
McaM 再回现场丨项目空间介绍 Project Rooms

McaM McaM上海明当代美术馆 2022-10-20

Back to Stage



Back to Stage is a review, revisit and summoning back. On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of Ming Contemporary Art Museum, the museum looks back upon the history of itself through reactivation, to inspire dialogues and interactions with threads generated from our past programs and projects through publication, exhibition, screening and a series of experimental workshops, and to produce methods of interpretation that correspond better to the contemporary context and more possibilities for continuous discussions. Celebrations of the 5th anniversary of McaM will be officially launched on November 13 and last three months, during which the museum will present one exhibition, three screening projects, six project spaces and a series of themed performances and workshops, trying to look for a reference point for the former-factory art museum from the historical context to enhance the possibilities for dialogues among different fields. McaM will continue to further our exploration into the hybridization of experimental visual and performance arts. By placing performances as the core element of the celebration season, we summon back “stages” on various dimensions to see the chemistry and interplay among them.

书的表演 表演的书 

Book on Performing

阅读的动作,是指尖与书本之间的交互,在书的油墨与留白之间相互应和,页面之间彼此联动,伴随着隐秘的能量传递,藏身于书籍结构之中的表演欲被唤起。在“明当代五周年展演艺术季”的期间,美术馆邀请 art book in China(abC艺术书展)联合策划,特别开设了以“书的表演 表演的书”为主题的阅读空间,进入书籍的表演情境,看它记录、听它述说、同它协作、或是加入它的表演邀请……或许,阅读本身就是一场表演。此外,也提供了一系列近年来在艺术机构中的表演策划读物,相互映照。

The action of reading is an interaction between fingertips and paperback. Through mysterious energy, the fingertips dance between the ink and blank, among the pages, evoking the desire for performance hidden in the book. As part of McaM 5th Anniversary Art Festival programmes, a reading space with the theme on "Book on Performing" has been jointly curated by McaM and art book in China. It would work as a performance stage for books, where the audience can watch them, listen to them, collaborate with them, or join their performance. After all, isn't reading is a sort of performance? In addition, a series of booklets and publications published in recent years about curating performances in art institutions would be available on site.


Backstage Hack 

performance installation


Backstage Hack is an interactive performance installation in-progress created by artists An Jing and Yiru. On the site, the artists have created a voice-light interaction theatre piece called “a fools’ paradise” . Audience are welcomed to stay outside and watch what’s happening in the space through one-way mirrors and headphone, or go inside and take an action to experience the voice-light interaction in the cell No.13, which is the first cell created. The work open up a diverse selection of identities and perspectives with participants are allowed to choose from. The process is the performance.


Community Room

在复合的多功能空间内,我们打造了一个在美术馆中的社区活动室,从适宜休憩、玩乐的空中花园,到激活社区文娱项目的排练房,以此为一个开放式的基地与展开当地社区的联谊。“空中花园”从二楼的空中平台往场馆内延伸至休闲区域;在排练厅的区域,也展示了若干明当代过往的社区项目精选,包括“广场舞计划”和“社区剧场”等。“社区剧场”一直是明当代美术馆主要公共教育活动之一,从2015年我们走进了锦灏社区活动中心后展开了每年公教活动的品牌项目──“社区剧场”,始初以“明·社区剧场计划”为名,来源于由美国乔纳丹•福斯(JonathanFox)创立的“一人一故事剧场(Playback Theatre)”这样一个概念而来,后来改为“社区剧场”通过持续的艺术实践搭建艺术家与居民社区之间的沟通桥梁,包含广场舞新编、闸(Jìng)北(ān)游戏、重访“闸北公园”…等,让大众成为艺术表达的主体,引发关于日常生活的全新体悟,为社区创造活力与温度。展演季期间,“社区活动室”还将会有一系列“艺术家开放排练室”和其他社区组织活动在此发生。

McaM creates a "Community Room" within the museum during the Art Festival. A multi-functional space with a rooftop garden suitable or rest and recreation and a rehearsal room for community entertainment. We use this as an open base to connect with the local community. The rooftop garden extends from the terrace on the second floor to the recreation area; while displayed in the rehearsal room area are records of a selection of community projects of McaM, including the "New Square Dance Project" and the "Community Theater." The Community Theater is one of McaM's brand annual public education programs, which began in 2015 at the Jinhao Community Activity Center. The program was named "the McaM Community Theatre Project" after "the Playback Theater" founded by Jonathan Fox. It was later changed to "Community Theatre" to build stronger connections between artists and residents via continuous artistic practices, such as the "New Square Dance," the "Zhabei Game," and "Revisit Zhabei Park." It encourages the public to act as the subject of art, initiates new understandings of our daily lives, and brings vitality to the community. During the performance season, the Community Room would work as "the Open Artist Rehearsal Room" and host a series of other community events.


The Butterfly Dream of Sub-Human : Persona Tales Collection


"Sub-Human" is a conceptual performance system and visual symbol that has been constructed by artist TAO Xinqi since 2019, which is essentially a projection and mimicry of the current society we live in. The Sub-Human can simulate anything in the world or become the mental projection of anyone. As figurative characters constructed by the artist, the Sub-Human's spirituality, body movement style, and performance format lie between the everyday and the non-everyday, the human and the non-human, the conscious and the unconscious. This concept questions the universal notion of the world's "real existence" and is destined for extension and the possibility of collaboration with other artists and multiple media. In this project, "The Butterfly Dream of Sub-Human: Persona Tales Collection," the "Sub-Humans" are "monitors of the society" and "collaborative devices" with a character perspective. During the three-month season, the artist explores two "ephemeral tales" of contemporary society and explores various possibilities of performance art with different artists, starting from the core of contemporary art performance and performance mediums.



McaM 五周年丨展演艺术季来袭 & 活动预告

McaM 五周年丨再回现场:五周年展演艺术季




McaM 5th Anniversary Art Festival







泽维尔·查 Xavier Cha丨郭奕麟 & 陆奇 Daniel Kok & Luke George丨发梦茱莉 Dreaming Julie丨何其沃 Er Gao丨未来主人(马汀滢和康康) Future Host (Tingying Ma & Kang Kang)丨草台班 Grass Stage丨侯莹  Hou Ying丨杨·罗威斯&尼德剧团 Jan Lauwers & Needcompany丨金锋  Jin Feng丨马可·多纳鲁马 & 吴艳丹 Marco Donnarumma & Nunu Kong丨派特里克·特雷塞特 Patrick Tresset丨后感性小组 Post-Sense Sensibility Group丨萨里娜·沙伊德格 & 希梅娜·克罗塞里 Sarina Scheidegger & Jimena Croceri丨施金豆   Lane Shi Otayonii丨石青  Shi Qing丨Siedl/Cao丨社会敏感性研发部  Social Sensibility R&D Department丨孙大肆&神炁现形 Sundasi & SHENQIXIANXING丨总体艺术工作室 Total Art Studio丨梅田宏明 Hiroaki Umeda丨文慧  Wen Hui丨姚尚德  Sunteck Yao丨张云峰&李海光  Zhang Yunfeng & Li Haiguang丨志豪  Zhihao丨周滔  Zhou Tao











